reallynow48 wrote:it sure is. Well I have seen a few pics of implants here, and I guess I don't feel too bad now. Having an implant is 28 days old for me and I, for one, would not believe everything you read online. Lots of bogus stories, plus plenty of false information to go around. I am trying to stay positive, but most of my negativity comes from my surgeon not telling me everything plus my pre op info and post op info are totally different. Waiting on my first pump up in a few days. My wife isn't thrilled at all with my decision to go through with this surgery as she thinks its too mechanical and does away with love and feelings, you know women's emotional needs. They need to know that they are desirable to their man. Not being able to provide an erection hurts them just as much as the guy. I am taking it day by day and seeing what this is all about. So far I am not impressed. I am a results person. I was told ONLY to do this as a last resort and was given time to back out and asked several times if I was sure that I wanted the procedure. It is what it is, but one thing that bothers me is that the patient has to put so much time and effort into getting close to what he was, in length, girth, etc. It can take over a year to even achieve that, after all the pain of the surgery, the cost, and the emotional toil it takes on a man's sanity knowing he will never achieve a natural erection again, and his penis with never feel the same. Its a lot to take in and anyone going through this does need a support system. Most of my posts so far have not been very positive, as I do have issues of how my procedure went. They will be answered very shortly in just a few days.
So far, I have stayed out of this but when you talk about "bogus stories online", I certainly hope you are not talking about stories on Frank Talk. The stories here are that of emotional and physical pain, the most intimate private stories that anyone can tell. Many members have posted pictures of their dicks and their faces, if you can't find them, you are not looking where you have been told. Frank Talk is not a porn photo site. Not one single member here has any reason to fabricate or embellish their story. Tell me how Donnie's 7" dick helps or hurts me on the other side of the continent? When you are ready to offer an apology to all of the members you have offended we will each consider it.