Here was my experience when I point-blank asked this question when I had my pre-surgical consultation. I had the privilege of being evaluated by two implant surgeons on two different occasions:
Dr Ed Karpman (awesome impant surgeon in California):
TANGERINE: "hey doc, should I use the VED device during the next six weeks to optimize length ?"
Dr Karpman answer: "Do not bother with the VED device. You are fine and will have a great implant. Do not be a pig about length"
Dr J Francois Eid (respected implant surgeon in New York City):
TANGERINE: "hey doc, should I use the VED device over the next six weeks to optimize length ?"
Dr Eid answer: "Do not bother with the VED device; if it did indeed work to increase length in a normal penis, then the manufacture of VED devices would have become one of the largest industries in the world !"
So for me personally, doctors felt that it was not needed since I had a normal penis with good stretchability since I was having erections until injections quit working just three months before
Oh, by the way, the paper which originally started this thread was useful, I thought, since it touched on many of the areas of expectation that men facing implant surgery need to become aware of (and those areas were more extensive then the issue of length).
Finally, the exact quote from the three authors of that paper from University of North Carolina stated that:
Strategies to maintain length, such as preoperative vacuum erection device use, have been proposed and may benefit overly concerned patients. While the authors of this review do not routinely recommend it, a suggestion of a short period of preoperative vacuum therapy or penile traction for certain patients prior to penile implant surgery may facilitate active participation on the patient’s part
So, it looks like they are not big time fans of the VED protocol, though they are OK with the idea of giving it a try.
PS: I had a normal penis in terms of stretchability. I suspect that men who have peryones and/or prostate surgery/ and/or many years of ED will be treated differently since those groups may need to have a "penile rehabilitation program" that might include VED to get those men back to a state somewhat similar to what they had in their youth