Junior99 wrote:Larry10625 wrote:Junior99 wrote:
Hello everyone here is an update. Finally had surgery yesterday 5/14/2018 AMS700 XLG! Everything went well however I Did not sleep all night with pain and discomfort I guess it was to be expected. I know everyone is different but if you guys could share how it was for you I would really appreciate it.
I had some pain that was well controlled with meds. After a couple of days I describe it more like "discomfort" more than pain, but either way it was controlled by the medication and bags of frozen peas.
Hello Larry,
Thank you for your input. Yesterday morning the doctor took off the catheter and the discomfort went away and I was able to sleep for a few hours during the day, last night at home I iced it for a while and took a couple Advils and slept the whole night and although there is pain is not as bad as the first night. Another thing is that it looks a lot smaller than anticipated I sure hope it’s because of the swelling!
Well, first of all, welcome to our bionic brotherhood. Once you are healed you are going to have some of the best sex you have EVER had, so chin up. I agree, the catheter is a royal pain in the ass, and you really have to be careful of bladder infections. If you start to have a burning sensation or you get the urge to pee A LOT but not a lot comes out, see you doctor immediately. Watch for more pain, swelling and/or temperature of 104 or more. Again, contact your doctor immediately if you have any of these. Drink lots of water to "prime your own pump" (aka bladder) Advil is great. For ice packs you can use a bag of frozen peas or corn and leave on for UP TO 20 minutes. Any longer and you start to damage the skin tissue. Lots of guys will tell you this. I discovered that when they thawed out (because my bag and balls were hotter than the vegetables) and I refroze them, eventually turned into one big chunk. If you use navy beans, split peas or anything else like this from the dollar store, because they won't freeze, they will work great if you put them in a odd sock or other similar item. These become great cold/hot packs. After a week or so (when your swelling goes away), and you doctor tells you that you are ok to start cycling, switch to hot/warm packs. This warms up the pump in your scrotum and makes the rubber much easier to pump up. In the next six weeks, you will have a thousand questions and you will be frustrated when the members tell you that patience will be your friend. Please do ask them because you might have a question that requires urgent attention or a question for which time won't help, but most of your questions will be time related issues... we know, we had the same questions. Good luck and feel free to post as many questions as you like... after the implant has taken place, the 6000 Frank Talk members are now the EXPERTS, not the doctors (unless they have an implant).