Calm buddy, you still don't know for sure what it is. It isn't the first time I read people who got some fever after the surgery and had no infection, somewhere I read that if it doesn't reach 39 it is not safe it's an infection.
Besides how is the scrotum pump? Is it stuck or is it loose?
Possible infection
Re: Possible infection
Thinking about implant
Thinking about implant
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:36 pm
Re: Possible infection
Thanks for everyone's message's and support. This forum is a god send for people going through this. Without my FrankTalk brothers I would have no one else to talk to as apart from my wife I have kept this hidden from everyone.
Things are looking more positive again. I spent hours yesterday at A & E. All my blood work has come back normal. There are no infection markers at all. No Swelling, no redness or pain no apparent signs of pump tethering.
As you can see in the photo (taken yesterday prior to rushing to A & E) My stitches have opened up and looks a right mess. I have been totally butchered. This caused total panic yesterday which is what caused my blood pressure to sore. When I got to A & E it was reading at 206. My temperature was also rising (again I am guessing now due to panic) An ecg also come back initially as not normal - I was later told due to racing pulse. I was thinking I was going into septic shock
Thigs have settled again
I am now back home again with the wound redressed. I have been advised slow healing now as it will heal from inside out and I will be left with one hell of a scar.
The urologist that examined me thinks this has possibly been caused by where the skin is scrubbed prior to surgery leaving the skin sensitive and prone to flaking away. This combined with the glue used has not given me an optimum result. Not sure if I am being fobbed off but as soon as I am through this danger period, I will fully pursue the hospital for answers. I have already requested my full operation notes and have emailed in stating I am going to be formally lodging a complaint and asking for a formal investigation into what happened.
The fact that I had already had 2 poor surgical procedures and only proceeded with this revision surgery on the basis that Mr Ralph was going to be carrying it out. Just to be told now he didn't carry out the whole procedure and that one of his team tried to position the cylinders which has caused all the complications. This surely cant be legal and I will totally pursue this. Once I am feeling more up to it.
I would never have another procedure done on the NHS
Things are looking more positive again. I spent hours yesterday at A & E. All my blood work has come back normal. There are no infection markers at all. No Swelling, no redness or pain no apparent signs of pump tethering.
As you can see in the photo (taken yesterday prior to rushing to A & E) My stitches have opened up and looks a right mess. I have been totally butchered. This caused total panic yesterday which is what caused my blood pressure to sore. When I got to A & E it was reading at 206. My temperature was also rising (again I am guessing now due to panic) An ecg also come back initially as not normal - I was later told due to racing pulse. I was thinking I was going into septic shock
Thigs have settled again
I am now back home again with the wound redressed. I have been advised slow healing now as it will heal from inside out and I will be left with one hell of a scar.
The urologist that examined me thinks this has possibly been caused by where the skin is scrubbed prior to surgery leaving the skin sensitive and prone to flaking away. This combined with the glue used has not given me an optimum result. Not sure if I am being fobbed off but as soon as I am through this danger period, I will fully pursue the hospital for answers. I have already requested my full operation notes and have emailed in stating I am going to be formally lodging a complaint and asking for a formal investigation into what happened.
The fact that I had already had 2 poor surgical procedures and only proceeded with this revision surgery on the basis that Mr Ralph was going to be carrying it out. Just to be told now he didn't carry out the whole procedure and that one of his team tried to position the cylinders which has caused all the complications. This surely cant be legal and I will totally pursue this. Once I am feeling more up to it.
I would never have another procedure done on the NHS
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47 year old
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte
Re: Possible infection
I can only offer you a million internet hugs. I have had wounds that were left open to heal from the inside out. Yes the body can do that. Change your sheets and underwear or gym shorts often to keep it clean. I'd say just stay naked but not easy with kids. Other than the oh hell oh hell part, the rest looks like it will be a right fine dick. Cheers man.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.
Re: Possible infection
I’m so happy to hear that your markers are normal. The elevated BP is typical of someone in a stressful situation, just how high it was I’m sure reflects how stressed you were.
Heal up now. And then you need to get to the bottom of what happened. They have literally no choice but to comply and divulge all information. Most NHS hospitals have what’s known as PALS (patient advice liaison service) for all enquiries.
Hope you get your answers! More importantly though, get better!!
Heal up now. And then you need to get to the bottom of what happened. They have literally no choice but to comply and divulge all information. Most NHS hospitals have what’s known as PALS (patient advice liaison service) for all enquiries.
Hope you get your answers! More importantly though, get better!!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.
Re: Possible infection
I tore my stitched out at 2 weeks. I was told to leave it open and it will take an extra month to heal It did and all is well now. I used antibiotic salve on the wound. I never had an infection.
ocitgo (Bob F), Bremerton, WA
Implanted 11/13/2017 AMS 700LGX 15 cm, leak, 3 cm rear tip
Implanted 06/17/2019 AMS 700LGX 18 cm, 1.5 cm rear tip
Implanted 11/13/2017 AMS 700LGX 15 cm, leak, 3 cm rear tip
Implanted 06/17/2019 AMS 700LGX 18 cm, 1.5 cm rear tip
Re: Possible infection
Larry10625 wrote: I know that Dr. Eid is a first class surgeon but I do NOT agree with his comment that the implant cannot be saved. In the event of a minor incision infection, it should be treatable as long as it does not totally penetrate the wound.
Larry, I don’t think Dr. Eid ever suggested that a minor surface infection cannot be treated. His statement was that once an implant is infected it can never be successfully treated and any attempt to do so only causes a greater risk to the patient.
Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal ->,56.0.html
Re: Possible infection
Hawkman wrote:Larry10625 wrote: I know that Dr. Eid is a first class surgeon but I do NOT agree with his comment that the implant cannot be saved. In the event of a minor incision infection, it should be treatable as long as it does not totally penetrate the wound.
Larry, I don’t think Dr. Eid ever suggested that a minor surface infection cannot be treated. His statement was that once an implant is infected it can never be successfully treated and any attempt to do so only causes a greater risk to the patient.
Well, that does make sense, I was just commenting on what was said without trying to interpret what was meant. Certainly true though... once the area around implant is infected, it's too late. That's what my surgeon said as well.

- Posts: 40
- Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:36 pm
Re: Possible infection
Well this seems to have been the longest 3 weeks of my life. Things are now however improving and healing nicely. I cant believe 2 weeks ago the wound had completely dehisced and come apart. I have a follow up appointment next Thursday where I can start cycling the device (that will be 5 weeks after surgery)
I will start a new thread and compare the differences first hand between the previous Titan and this AMS product for those that are interested after then.
Thanks again for everyone's support and comments
I will start a new thread and compare the differences first hand between the previous Titan and this AMS product for those that are interested after then.
Thanks again for everyone's support and comments
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- IMG_9684 (resised).JPG (271.2 KiB) Viewed 1920 times
47 year old
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte
Implanted Dec 2017 with coloplast titan 22cm + 3cm rte
previous malleable implant and lue pro.cedure for peyronies, due to crossover implant revised August 2018 with ams CX 24 + 1rte
Re: Possible infection
I cannot believe how well that healed!
It will be hardly noticable, amazing what your body handled.
Looks good.
It will be hardly noticable, amazing what your body handled.
Looks good.
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