Bob1974 wrote:Colin... Thanks for sharing! It's interesting I never heard of Pentamix before. Did you use this before getting an implant or have other experience with it?
Actually Bob, no... I never did use Pentamix. When I had my first appointment with my current urologist, he heard my ED history of various pills, injections, VED, and how eventually they'd all stopped working in increasingly shorter and shorter periods of time. He offered me two options:
1.) Pentamix: Stating it would work, but it too would become less and less effective within months to a year.
2.) Implant: Which would give me years of satisfaction
While Pentamix did sound intriguing, I thought, "Why do another injection med, knowing that within a fairly short time, it too will stop working. May as well go for the implant... and I have NO complaints that I opted for the implant route!