Simbarn wrote:opolion wrote:Hey Simbarn,
I don't have a professional diagnosis yet. However, at least, by asking my urologist many times for a refferal, I fixed an appointment at the Neuro-Urological department and they will check my nerve conduction velocity in the pelvic area, so I could have one soon.
Yeah you're right in fact it could be anything related to demage or dysfunction of nerves which leads to my erectyle-, bowel-, and bladder problems. Though, I am just almost 100% sure now that this problem got only to do with the nervous system.
You're totally right, I wasn't taken seriously in the beginning because I self diagnosed it, but now at least I'm moving more towards a professional diagnosis. I kinda had to self diagnose it in the beginning because no doctor would have thought about this specific (and rare) problem
Good! I am glad you are seeing someone experienced in that area. Please do let us know what they find.
Hey Simbarn,
so I went to see 2 specialists in the field of pelvic nerves and a nerve conduction velocity test showed that there is a low conductivity to the penis and also to my left foot, which was new to me. One doctor already suspects a certain nerve group which might have gotten pinched by blood vessels. However, now I'll be doing MR scans in order for them to analyse them and see if they can spot the exact problem. And then we might see if there are possible treatments