Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby aussiePeyronies » Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:06 am

frank66665 wrote:there are no solutions, I have posted several times that the one touch name is a fraudulent name, or they are all defective, or the name is fraudulent, guess what?

His main issue is auto-inflation, not the one-touch.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby aussiePeyronies » Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:08 am

Campfire wrote:Thank you for all your replies.

Wow, that is upsetting. Feel like I should've paid more attention to what the flaccid would be like, but when you're stuck in the torture of ED all you can think of is how the non-flaccid state will be. Feel like I should've gone for an AMS now.

Guys who have had the titan one touch for a while though does it bother you after a while or are you fine with it mentally?

A lot of people adapt, for some people, they end up with a decent flaccid angle. I know if I fully deflate, the penis is soft, light and comfortable. Once it auto-inflates a bit, it becomes a bit more rigid and heavy which can be uncomfortable.

Check with your surgeon, true auto-inflation is very rare.

From what I have read, eventually, the cylinders will soften and if you get a proper full deflate in, it should be comfortable.
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby atul21 » Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:51 am

Campfire wrote:
atul21 wrote:I was shocked to see how much he was able to deflate me vis a vis myself trying to do.

Interesting. Ralph didn't deflate me to that extent. So are you saying your Doc squeezed really hard?

Yes. He did press the pump very hard.

atul21 wrote:So the trick I learnt was to keep the button pressed, squeeze the shaft from the middle with the other hand. Once it starts to loosen up a bit I move a bit lower in the shaft more like squeezing the fluid out. Then I press and bend the shaft from the base (towards the abdomen). This bending and twisting is what gives me the maximum deflation.

Thanks for this, will try it next time.

atul21 wrote:Post deflation my penis looks like a mangled wreck with twists and an uneven shape. It is not exactly a great sight tbh.

This is what I thought deflation would be like but I have never gotten to that level, the cylinders nearly always feel round basically with hardly any kinks.

atul21 wrote:I did face some auto inflation issues but now after some great advise from brothers here on FT, I give it a pump or two post full deflation.

What advice was that please, do you mind sharing. Also, the pump or two post deflation are they half pumps or full pumps? Now I'm thinking that doesn't work for me because I am not deflated in the first place. If I was totally down like you mentioned then I think that would work.

I wait for a vibration or a small squeak. This is usually a couple of half presses in my case.

atul21 wrote:But yes, the flaccid with a coloplast is big and you can easily feel the dog ears. It is a little less in size to the erected penis and just not hard.

Ok this makes it clearer too.

atul21 wrote:I had the same concern about damaging the pump with too much force but I was told by my doc and Dr. Eid himself that it is highly unlikely.

I'm pretty sure I'm not using enough force.[/quote]

Try it a few times with max force. Don't use the tip of thumb or fingers. Also, try to move the pump around and find a position where it pinches less. Some places in scrotum will be more sore than others.
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby Old Guy » Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:29 am

Campfire wrote:Thank you for all your replies.

Wow, that is upsetting. Feel like I should've paid more attention to what the flaccid would be like, but when you're stuck in the torture of ED all you can think of is how the non-flaccid state will be. Feel like I should've gone for an AMS now.

Guys who have had the titan one touch for a while though does it bother you after a while or are you fine with it mentally?

I have to admit having such a large flaccid was a shock at first. In the few months following implant it was uncomfortable, and I was constantly aware of it. By one year out it just became a part of me. My flaccid is still huge compared to my days of past, but really doesn't bother me. I am conscious of what I am wearing though. In jeans it doesn't show, in shorts or sweats it shows a little, in underwear it shows a lot.
Nov. 8, 2019
5+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby Tokyo_123 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:33 am

For me, to better deflate I do squeeze the deflation button and start in the middle of the D at first. Then push the water down to the base, Then I let go and push the button again to deflate even more. Here I will push the D up and down. After it all the water appears gone, I let go of the deflation button while still squeezing the D and hold it for another 20 seconds or so. During this 20 seconds, I push the water to the base even further. That's it.
Venous Leakage (which I believe caused by my overuse of the Bathmate VED)

Dr. Clavell, August, 2022. Titan One-Touch, 24cm XL cylinders and trimmed off 0.5cm

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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:42 am

Flaccid will never be what it was before. Yeah, i miss that but am reminded of what Tangerine wrote in his journal:
I did this for maximum sex, not maximum flaccid”.

My girl tells me it’s obvious that something is different when she feels my flaccid. She can feel the cylinders and tips and the krinkle. That’s fully deflated which, at best, still looks like a bit of a chub (8 months postop).

However, once to about 60% and beyond she says nobody would ever know by appearance or touch. She loves it at full mast and enjoys putting the first few pumps in while she’s blowing me. Her hand strength allows her about 60% then i take over 2 handed. At full mast i do have an oval shape, much wider than before and more girth overall.

I think that the chub phenomena might have something to do with the fact there is fluid under pressure in the crus. Despite all the squeezing of the dick we do, when finished pumping some of that fluid will go back into the cylinders.

I do try to max deflate as much as possible as i’ve heard to not do so is to invite the surgical capsule to form around the reservoir. If that happens then one can’t deflate fully.

But most of the time i walk around with enough pressure to eliminate the krinkle. I like the bulge.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Titan 1 Touch Deflation - What is Properly Deflated and Auto-Inflation

Postby frank66665 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:28 pm

aussiePeyronies wrote:
frank66665 wrote:there are no solutions, I have posted several times that the one touch name is a fraudulent name, or they are all defective, or the name is fraudulent, guess what?

His main issue is auto-inflation, not the one-touch.

his problem is the self-mark, but even the name one touch does not correspond to reality, if you don't hold it down you never deflate it
56, ED since 2010, pills work but not always and well, trt in progress improved but not so much, myocardial infarction january 2016, new stent september 2016, hypertension, venous on 1/23/23 titan one touch 22, no rte dottor Gabriele Antonini Italia

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