Anyone having a problem Climaxing?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Anyone see the irony having a problem Climaxing?

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:25 pm

I woander if men's difficulty climaxing is in any way analogous to women's (occasional) difficulty climaxing?

It is sort of ironic.

Females are able to have coitus whether they are mentally aroused or not (enjoyment of the activity aside).

An implanted man can have coitus whether mentally aroused or not.

Men usually have no problem climaxing before our female partner, who sometimes never (or seldom) does.

With an implant, coitus can continue until our female partner climaxes and the man can be left "high and dry"

Women often have sex without orgasm, but take pleasure in the orgasms they give their partner. A man blessed/empowered with an implant can now be equally generous.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Re: Anyone having a problem Climaxing?

Postby wolfcreek » Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:24 am

Since the surgery I have had a cold penis head, loss of sensitivity, and a problem with urine dripping for a few seconds after I zip up (no matter how long I shake it).

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Re: Anyone having a problem Climaxing?

Postby wolfcreek » Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:30 am

But none of that matters now that the left cylinder has blown out (and leaked all of the saline solution out).

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Re: Anyone having a problem Climaxing?

Postby mtnbiker » Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:00 am

My sensitivity is no where near what it was prior to getting my implant and I also have the same issue when urinating which is frustrating as hell however I am just trying to stay optimistic that my body will adjust. I am really sorry to hear about your implant failing.
Implanted on December 28, 2016 by Dr Kramer with a 21 CM AMS LGX. 47 years old and have been dealing with ED due to Venous leak since my 20's.

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Re: Anyone having a problem Climaxing?

Postby TANGERINE » Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:26 pm

interesting, I had a little trouble climaxing the other day during sex.

Here is what happened:
My desire was to avoid "coming too soon" during sex, since I wanted to maximize having the big glans throughout the encounter and to end with a big bang, (as opposed to other times where I would just keep thrusting on even though I was done, but my wife clearly was not). So decided to I masturbate 4 hours before planned sex (climax was no problem).
During our sex session, my glans fullness was decent, and I lasted forever. The wife had her orgasm, but I did not, so I asked her for doggy style and I pounded her really good for maybe four minutes straight (which was awesome for me) and then -- BOOM, a huge long lasting orgasm in the doggy position.

Lessons learned:
a) in my current state (6 weeks postop) I have some mild numbness on the undersurface of my penis (I hope that continues, since I have trouble with premature ejaculation, but I heard that the numbness resolves over a few months)
b) masturbating 4 hours before definitely means I will have trouble climaxing, but boy, what a ride it was to get there !!!!
"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

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