Two injections within 24hrs.

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Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby NorCal707 » Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:28 pm

Has anyone injected a second time within 24 hrs?

What’s the shortest length of time you had in between injections?

I inject every other day but wondering if you inject say in the morning, then late that night any adverse effects?

My doc says wait 24hrs between injections.
40 year old male, on TRT, ED onset early 30s. Viagra and Cialis did not work well. Experience with Edex and Trimix 80. Now on Quad Mix 60/2/30/.15.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby implant1959 » Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:45 pm

If doc says wait 24 hours then wait 24 hours. Hate to end up with priapism or worse.
Scott, member of Bionic Brotherhood since 12/2/2020 with activation on 12/17/2020.
Coloplast Titan Touch.
Feel free to PM me, we all need an ear now and then.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby 68CatFan » Sun Jan 17, 2021 5:31 pm

I've done 3 days in a row. All evenings. Never the same day though. At 50 my sex drive isn't that strong to warrant twice in one day.
Fifty-one years old. ED started at age forty. I took Cialis for eight years and used Trimix for almost three. Implanted 12/6/22 by Dr. Jonathan Clavell. AMS 700CX 21cm.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby SteveSW » Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:10 pm

When I was injecting, and it was working, I often injected for 3-4 days in a row. But never more than once a day.
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby bldoink » Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:21 pm

I'm not a medical professional of any kind. Anything I post is based on my own experiences at best and hallucinations and/or delusions at worst. Internet forum advice is likely worth what you paid for it, or worse. Always ask your doctor and follow his/her advice.

If you're a new user of injections I recommend you follow the rules closely. Later when you are more knowledgeable and confident you can get adventurous if you feel it's necessary. I personally wouldn't hesitate to inject a second time within 24hrs if I felt the need, and I have, but then I know my response to the injections very well at this point from years of use. The shortest time between injections for me was probably not much over 8hrs. If you read older threads you'll find several members have injected at shorter intervals a fair number of times without any obvious ill effects. I think it's a practice generally reserved for special weekends or vacations. Of course it's not something done on a continuous basis. Let me caution you again to gain some experience before you start pushing the envelope.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby Hunchback » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:04 am

In the years that i've been using EDEX i've sometimes injected twice a day, once morning and once the evening. It's fine, the effect is not very good on me, so i sure as hell don't risk priapism or other damage.
I don't do it regularly, but if the desires require it, might as well follow them.
40 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby NorCal707 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:10 am

Thank you all. I have not done more than one injection in less than 24hrs. I listen to my doc.

Thank you.
40 year old male, on TRT, ED onset early 30s. Viagra and Cialis did not work well. Experience with Edex and Trimix 80. Now on Quad Mix 60/2/30/.15.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby TrimixUp » Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:05 pm

I’ve been using Trimix for near ten years, and on many, many occasions I’ve used it twice in a day without ill-effects.
Typically I inject a second time if I miss the mark with my first injection and end up with a weak or short-lived erection.
Many other times I’ve injected twice in a day just to have more fun, and this has never come back to bite me.
I am a physician (though not a urologist) for what it’s worth.
I would NOT inject again if I was still hard from the first shot. Otherwise I’ve learned this approach works well for me.
Your mileage may vary.
60 year old from WA. Viagra worked for a few years, then I moved to Trimix. This worked great, but orgasms on Trimix are really difficult to achieve.

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby T-Bone » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:44 pm

TrimixUp wrote:I’ve been using Trimix for near ten years, and on many, many occasions I’ve used it twice in a day without ill-effects.
Typically I inject a second time if I miss the mark with my first injection and end up with a weak or short-lived erection.
Many other times I’ve injected twice in a day just to have more fun, and this has never come back to bite me.
I am a physician (though not a urologist) for what it’s worth.
I would NOT inject again if I was still hard from the first shot. Otherwise I’ve learned this approach works well for me.
Your mileage may vary.

A Doctor that actually uses trimix, (I wish my Uro did.
And you have had a decade of success with injections, and have injected twice in one day on many occasions
That is some progressive thinking, my Uro, like most Docs only sees things in black and white, no offense!
I'd like to pick your brain sometime regarding other factors in injecting and tap your experience

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Re: Two injections within 24hrs.

Postby Hunchback » Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:40 am

TrimixUp wrote:I’ve been using Trimix for near ten years, and on many, many occasions I’ve used it twice in a day without ill-effects.
Typically I inject a second time if I miss the mark with my first injection and end up with a weak or short-lived erection.
Many other times I’ve injected twice in a day just to have more fun, and this has never come back to bite me.
I am a physician (though not a urologist) for what it’s worth.
I would NOT inject again if I was still hard from the first shot. Otherwise I’ve learned this approach works well for me.
Your mileage may vary.

Basically my experience, except i am not a physician :)
And usually a 2nd shot, when the first fails, doesn't really work better. No idea why... ?
40 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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