Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

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Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Discovernew » Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:40 pm

Hi! I am considering the rigicon infla 10 AX, I heard there is a clinical trial in USA with only some select doctors in USA doing it. Does anyone know who these doctors are?

I am deciding which brand to use and curious to have a consultation with one of those, but don't know who.

Implanted October 11, 2024, Dr Karaman. Infla10 AX 20cm +1cm RTE.
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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Gt1956 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:38 pm

Just an opinion. I suspect that finding a successful implant dr in the USA to participate in the trials might be hard. Most of the better drs seem to have very busy practices. What would the dr gain by being in the trial? He is already busy, maybe even too busy. The two leading companies are well known & the supply seems to be good. If I was a dr? They'd have to be some compelling reason for me to be involved in a study.

What reasons can you think that would entice a dr into being in the study??
69yo, HBP @ 40, high triglycerides @ 45. Phimosis @ 57. Type 2 @ 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months.

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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby atul21 » Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:09 am

I believe this is old news. I had read on FT about Dr. Karpman being one such doc participating in rigicon trials.
I recommend searching more and you will get more information.
42 yr old from India, Ed since many years.
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Lost Sheep
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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:21 am

Discovernew wrote:Hi! I am considering the rigicon infla 10 AX, I heard there is a clinical trial in USA with only some select doctors in USA doing it. Does anyone know who these doctors are?

I am deciding which brand to use and curious to have a consultation with one of those, but don't know who.


I would suggest contacting the Rigicon company.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby jl33ur » Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:38 pm

Gt1956 wrote:Just an opinion. I suspect that finding a successful implant dr in the USA to participate in the trials might be hard. Most of the better drs seem to have very busy practices. What would the dr gain by being in the trial? He is already busy, maybe even too busy. The two leading companies are well known & the supply seems to be good. If I was a dr? They'd have to be some compelling reason for me to be involved in a study.

What reasons can you think that would entice a dr into being in the study??

There are several studies that compare rigicon vs titan and ams in terms of mechanical failures and infections in the first 2 years and apparently it has better numbers... it would be good to keep that in mind.

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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby easymoney » Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:30 pm

Good luck contacting Rigicon .. I have a Rigicon mallabble implant as of last june ... having issues .. talked to the Rigicon rep who is worthless ... his only reply is talk to the dr ... takes months to get into my dr. 35.00 copay ... his staff has proven to be pretty much worthless also as far as getting answers .. if you call Rigicon and "if" they answer you will get the standard answer "contact your dr." ... I regret using the dr. I used even though he is one of the top dick drs. in the country his follow up care has been terrible .. it seems many surgeons once the slice and dice are done with you and turn you over to others ...
Rigicon since 6-2023 happy to share my experience and do show and tell

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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Gt1956 » Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:05 pm

jl33ur wrote:
Gt1956 wrote:Just an opinion. I suspect that finding a successful implant dr in the USA to participate in the trials might be hard. Most of the better drs seem to have very busy practices. What would the dr gain by being in the trial? He is already busy, maybe even too busy. The two leading companies are well known & the supply seems to be good. If I was a dr? They'd have to be some compelling reason for me to be involved in a study.

What reasons can you think that would entice a dr into being in the study??

There are several studies that compare rigicon vs titan and ams in terms of mechanical failures and infections in the first 2 years and apparently it has better numbers... it would be good to keep that in mind.

That isn't very revelent to my post. That might benefit patients. My point was towards getting USA implant drs to participate in a study. What benefit will they see? They seem to be busy so increased patient numbers won't matter. Since they aren't available here yet. There won't be demand for them. The only remaining option is that the drs get paid.
69yo, HBP @ 40, high triglycerides @ 45. Phimosis @ 57. Type 2 @ 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months.

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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Discovernew » Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:28 am

Lost Sheep wrote:
Discovernew wrote:Hi! I am considering the rigicon infla 10 AX, I heard there is a clinical trial in USA with only some select doctors in USA doing it. Does anyone know who these doctors are?

I am deciding which brand to use and curious to have a consultation with one of those, but don't know who.


I would suggest contacting the Rigicon company.

Last time i contacted they took several weeks to get back to me.
Implanted October 11, 2024, Dr Karaman. Infla10 AX 20cm +1cm RTE.
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ED about 14 years. Pills worked for 12 years, later worked 50%. Tried almost everything, nothing worked: Shockwave-Testosterone-PRP-Stem Cells-Botox, Etc

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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Discovernew » Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:28 am

Gt1956 wrote:Just an opinion. I suspect that finding a successful implant dr in the USA to participate in the trials might be hard. Most of the better drs seem to have very busy practices. What would the dr gain by being in the trial? He is already busy, maybe even too busy. The two leading companies are well known & the supply seems to be good. If I was a dr? They'd have to be some compelling reason for me to be involved in a study.

What reasons can you think that would entice a dr into being in the study??

I heard some top doctors are participating, including Dr Perito.
Implanted October 11, 2024, Dr Karaman. Infla10 AX 20cm +1cm RTE.
My Implant Journal - Click Here

ED about 14 years. Pills worked for 12 years, later worked 50%. Tried almost everything, nothing worked: Shockwave-Testosterone-PRP-Stem Cells-Botox, Etc

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Re: Rigicon clinical trial in USA?

Postby Gt1956 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 7:09 pm

Discovernew wrote:
Gt1956 wrote:Just an opinion. I suspect that finding a successful implant dr in the USA to participate in the trials might be hard. Most of the better drs seem to have very busy practices. What would the dr gain by being in the trial? He is already busy, maybe even too busy. The two leading companies are well known & the supply seems to be good. If I was a dr? They'd have to be some compelling reason for me to be involved in a study.

What reasons can you think that would entice a dr into being in the study??

I heard some top doctors are participating, including Dr Perito.

Maybe so. But actually installing them or reviewing the data at a desk? I bet the desk option.

I'm normally pretty skeptical about internet rumors. Even if there is some truth to them. They frequently aren't as the rumor portrays.

Just for the record. Where did you read this?
69yo, HBP @ 40, high triglycerides @ 45. Phimosis @ 57. Type 2 @ 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months.

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