Bigger Penis

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Bigger Penis

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:13 am

Hi Guys, Here's something that may help you if you want that bigger penis, or make your eyes water, your choice.

Just watch the link.


Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Bigger Penis

Postby redbullmaster » Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:34 pm

I'm in shock the BBC is suppose to be impartial non advert organization.

That was just a 20 min advert to get men to have penis enlargement.

Not once was erect length talked about, who cares if it's an inch longer flaccid if its the same length as
before you paid 7 grand when erect.

Also the fat he injects into your penis is then reabsorbed, so you keep having to have top ups.

He says after surgery use a penis extender for up to a year to get best results.
I'm guessing if you just use the penis extender without surgery, your end up with the same length results and save about £6900.

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Re: Bigger Penis

Postby Anonymous2 » Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:27 am

redbullmaster wrote:I'm in shock the BBC is suppose to be impartial non advert organization.

That was just a 20 min advert to get men to have penis enlargement.

Not once was erect length talked about, who cares if it's an inch longer flaccid if its the same length as
before you paid 7 grand when erect.

Also the fat he injects into your penis is then reabsorbed, so you keep having to have top ups.

He says after surgery use a penis extender for up to a year to get best results.
I'm guessing if you just use the penis extender without surgery, your end up with the same length results and save about £6900.

Hi Its just something I found and thought it should be shown. and yes lots of money but if it makes guys happy then its there choice.

But do know that penis exercise is far better and it does take time, but then its free and it works and all gains are kept, but at the end of the day its options.

But the BBC does advertise, on some of its channels.

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Bigger Penis

Postby redbullmaster » Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:51 pm

Hi Nowhard,

I'm not saying you shouldn't of posted it, my rant wasn't/isn't aimed at you.

I was just pointing out the realty of the surgery.
So if men on here watched it, they knew what they were getting for there money.

Suspensory ligament surgery is good if you want to boost your conference in a shared locker room environment.
But that's about all, from all I've researched about it.

If someone on here has had the surgery and wants to correct me please go ahead.

But as this is a ED site and most men on here are concerned about recovering size from Radical prostatectomy or from not having blood flow to there penis, which caused them loss of size from ED.

The surgery I think would just cause disappointment, if men on here watched it and then decided to go for it without all the facts.

When afterwards they realised there erect length was the same as before and now there dick pointed at the floor.

I doubt the company who's offering the surgery is giving all the facts about it, as they cold calling men to get them to have the surgery in the first place.

I kind of want to get a phone call, so I get to hear there call pitch,
"Hi sir we hear you have a small penis and would like to help you out with your little problem."

But it just made me uneasy that not one negative thing about the surgery was discussed.
It just wasn't a balanced piece of journalism and that makes me sad that the BBC had any involvement.

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Re: Bigger Penis

Postby Anonymous2 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:56 am

Hi RBM, OK Locker rooms are full of guys large and small penis's or like me shaven so I'm the odd one out or was, as for an ED site it tends to cover a lot more these days, I think its nice to cover sexual things as well, as ED does go along with sex or not getting any.

The one thing I cant understand are the guys who wait 5 to 10 years before looking for help was looking for help as soon as it started, us men along with our wives do love our sex lives, as I do answering on other sites your be surprised just how many women come on asking for help as hubby wont for ED , low libido or just not wanting sex, its the same old thing you can take a horse to water, but you cant make it drink, there are a lot of men out there just the same with sex, and its also women who as we age want something bigger' so looking for fulfilment of the sexual kind, so perhaps its the women who are behind it more than just us men, I do my penis exercises so my wife can get that bit extra, and it does work.

But its nice to pass things on as long as its to do with help for guys hormones, prostate problems, other ED help, and help with sexual problems as there all related, even STIs or STDs as these can lead to ED along with drugs either social or meds and alcohol, meds fro HBP Depression and anxiety and giant sex killers, for HBP there are some very simple ways of overcoming it, and the same with depression and anxiety, the drugs for these do complicate life to much, when just meditation would be better for them.

So there you go RNB pick some bones out of that lot.

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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