Here are a few pricing numbers from my recent implant sugery. The billed amount is what the providers wanted to charge, the allowed amount is the actual amount that my insurance would allow the provider to charge. That is it is the amount they would receive from both my insurance and myself for the item.
Medical Costs - Implant
Date Provider Item Initial Charge Allowed Charge
9/4/2012 Urologist Init Consult $268.01 $206.22
9/27/2012 Hospital Pre-Admit $789.00 $261.47
10/1/2012 Hospital Surgery $16,608.00 $2,108.09
10/1/2012 Anethetist 1 Anethersia $500.00 $315.30
10/1/2012 Anethetist 2 Anethersia $600.00 $315.30
10/1/2012 Urologist Surgery $4,604.00 $1,733.74
11/7/2012 Hospital Surgery $43,170.50 $13,035.67
11/7/2012 Hospital implant $6,550.00 $2,620.00
11/7/2012 Anethetist Anethesia $1,500.00 $945.90
11/7/2012 Urologist Surgery $3,920.00 $1,487.75
All charges $78,509.51 $23,029.44
- Init Repair' $55,408.51 $18,295.54
There is are two totals, one is the overall costs I incurred; the other is the costs that I would have incurred had there note be left over complications from a radical prostatectoy. There were also extra costs in the implant procedure from complications of an undescended testicle and hernia repair when I was in my twenties. Those extra amounts were not removed. I hope that this will help anyone contemplating and implant estimate costs. The location was a suburban medical center near Nashville, TN
An implant price datapoint
An implant price datapoint
70 - married 47 years: RP - 2000, injections till 2012, AMS700LGX with 21cm tubes 2cm extenders 11/7/2012, failed 6/5/2017 --- Re-implanted 8/18/2017 with AMS 700CX -- Implants by Dr. David Morris, Hendersonville,TN
Re: An implant price datapoint
I have Medicare, Medicare Part B and a Medigap F plan. Billing for my surgery is coming in:
1. Hospital - billed $84,787 (that is not a typo) - Medicare paid $12,086.53. This appears to include the cost of the AMS CX.
2. Medigap paid hospital $1156.
3. Urologist - Medicare approved $820.79 (Medigap pays a portion of this). Includes pre-surgery and post-surgery office visits
4. Assistant Urologist - Medicare approved $131.05 "
5. Anestesiologist - " $365.05 "
The above total to $14,559.42
1. Hospital - billed $84,787 (that is not a typo) - Medicare paid $12,086.53. This appears to include the cost of the AMS CX.
2. Medigap paid hospital $1156.
3. Urologist - Medicare approved $820.79 (Medigap pays a portion of this). Includes pre-surgery and post-surgery office visits
4. Assistant Urologist - Medicare approved $131.05 "
5. Anestesiologist - " $365.05 "
The above total to $14,559.42
Implant surgery by Dr. John Greisman 10/31/2012 - Installed AMS CX700
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