confuse on syringe

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confuse on syringe

Postby kali64amd » Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:51 am

hi, all

I m confuse on syringe so could you pleas have look this syringe and advise me it work or not?

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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby crazyjoe » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:47 am

As a non-doctor, looks fine to me. Curious as to what you’re going to put in it?
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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby rjdoan » Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:48 am

It is important to know what you are using the syringe for. I'm guessing TriMix--in which case it seems OK. I'd like to know the length of the needle and gauge to be more sure.
Bob Doan
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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby GoodWood » Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:41 am

I work in healthcare and find that syringe confusing as well.

The syringe is labeled 1ml. The syringe is also labeled as 0-40 units with 40 units being near the end of the barrel.

But 1ml is 100 units. So is it a 0.4ml (or more likely 0.5ml) syringe made to be used with 0-40 units? Or is it a 1ml syringe that is mislabeled?

My guess is that it is a 40 unit syringe. It likely has a needle that is approximately 5/16” 31 gauge. That would all work.

I suggest you ask the doctor that prescribed your Trimix, or the pharmacy that is providing it for guidance.
56yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2) plus a cock ring. Prostaglandins ached. Phallosan Forte tension devise and VED to maintain size. Eager to hear implant experiences. Considering implant spring of 2025.

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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby bldoink » Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:46 am

No, those are not the correct syringes. Those are U-40 insulin syringes. They are generally used in Veterinary medicine. Technically you could use them but you'd have to figure out your dose and anyone's suggestions based on U-100 syringes would be useless. You want U-100 syringes. That's what most everyone uses. There are 100, U-100 units per ml. I believe with U-40 syringes there are 40, U-40 units per ml. Make your life simpler and safer and get U-100 syringes.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby kali64amd » Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:29 am

how about theses syringe???

@bldoink is absolutely right about syringe there has differences in both syringes have look this photo

Anyway appreciate your help guys
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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby kali64amd » Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:44 am

but now I'm freaking out after looking needle size :o :o

Is this normal size??? Guys I'm shitting my pant now!

Damm its too big!!!
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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby bldoink » Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:31 am

I can't easily make out what syringes you are displaying. As long as the syringe or it's packaging say U-100 insulin syringes you're basically OK. The rest is basically up to your preferences.

For needle length I'd strongly recommend either 5/16" (8mm) or 1/2"(12.7mm). I use the 5/16" (8mm) but use what works best for you.

As for gauge, I'd say use anything from a 29 gauge to a 31 gauge. The higher the number the thinner the needle. The thinner the needle the less you will feel it. However, the thinner the needle the more flimsy it is and more likely to bend. I use the 31 gauge.

As for syringe capacity, again it's your choice. However, the technique I use for determining proper needle placement is largely determined by syringe plunger resistance. Generally plunger resistance is easier to feel the smaller the capacity of the syringe, although the brand of syringe also matters. So, use the smallest capacity syringe that will hold your dose, with a little room to spare. My current dose is about 14 units. I use a U-100 insulin syringe of 1/3ml (.3cc) capacity.

So, my current syringe of choice is a U-100 insulin syringe with a capacity of 1/3 ml (.3cc) with a 5/16" (8mm) length needle of 31 gauge. I use cheap store brand syringes. I do not like the more expensive but probably higher quality BD brand syringes due to their plunger resistance.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby kali64amd » Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:21 pm

I do believe its 1/2"(12.7mm) however I have no idea about gauge
its really big needle
PSSD Suffered since 4 years, And try almost everything like dopamine agonist, serotonin agonist etc, try 900 mg viagra sontime combination with 100 mg cials.

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Re: confuse on syringe

Postby bldoink » Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:21 pm

It will say on the packaging.

It doesn't look that big in the picture to me but I can't tell for sure.

As I said, the packaging will tell all. What's it say on the box or bag?
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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