Sapperoldtimer wrote:Hello from sunny California USA,
I am three weeks post surgery for an implant ams 700 LGX, I have a post op appointment 6 DEC to hopefully be released to do some normal things. The doctor left it half pumped up and it is beginning to bother me a little any suggestions to solve that? Also my sack is still tender where the pump is! I hope this implant is worth it!
My surgeon left me inflated 80% or so. I reported that I felt like the head of my penis was in the jaws of a vice and he deflated me a little bit.
I suggest that you put up with it if you can tolerate.
My reasoning:
Having your implant subject to the "coffin effect" of encapsulation with scar tissue makes you subject to a longer (time) period of discomfort than a (shorter) perios of discomfort in the short term.
There are LOTS of factors involved. It is best to discuss with your surgeon (by a simple phone calL) to determine the best course of acttion.