Young guy and his implant

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Young guy and his implant

Postby cris274 » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:24 pm

Hey guys, first post here on frank talk. Little bit of background on my self. I am currently 30 years old have had ed since I can remember. I took me years to come to this decision, not to mention some therapy. For years I felt alone on this journey, after all my primary doctor and a local uro told me it was all in my head.
Handed me some viagra samples and said " good luck dude" sent me on my way.

I don't know if there are some guys here that have had to deal with this since young age. I finally got a hold of a few guys from forums that guided me to a great doctor in my area

I decided that I could no longer go on living the way I did, even my surgeon told me either I could do that or go and make a new decision about my self.

SO I did it, July 19th I got implanted with the AMS LGX. I was told that I was large enough for the CX and that I was larger than average but he still went with the LGX

I was total my total implant length is 20 cm so im not sure what that means in terms of my new implant length

Prior to surgery my length was difficult to measure due to poor blood flow, I guess any where from 5.7 to 6.5.

So 5 days later I can honestly say , even though things are no where near healed that I have made the right decision.

Please let me know if you all have any advice, comments, questions.


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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby tankerman » Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:27 pm

Hi Cris, I have had ed since I was 16 I am now 48 I do not know what cuases the ed I can get an erection but good luck on keeping it and once I lose it that is it I cant regian it after that. I am thinking about getting an implant but right now lateley the injections I am taking Edex seems to be working very well all I did was up the dose and that seems to be the key. does your implant feel natueral
I am 48 years old have had ED since I was 16, I can get an erection but I can not maintain it, tried pills I dont like the side effects, tried Trimix it has been hit and miss, I think I should get an implant.

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby Dave92014 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:38 pm

Congrats, you are on the road to success.

There are at least a couple of guys who are younger than you, in their early 20's who have posted here. One is a guy from Minnesota who has a video blog. You can find him by clicking on "Discussion Forums" and then scrolling down the the "Members" topic. I think you will find his experience interesting. There is also a guy "Irishguy" that is younger than you and you might look for some of his posts.

Implant surgery by Dr. John Greisman 10/31/2012 - Installed AMS CX700

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby cris274 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:02 pm

tankerman wrote:Hi Cris, I have had ed since I was 16 I am now 48 I do not know what cuases the ed I can get an erection but good luck on keeping it and once I lose it that is it I cant regian it after that. I am thinking about getting an implant but right now lateley the injections I am taking Edex seems to be working very well all I did was up the dose and that seems to be the key. does your implant feel natueral

For me it was real simple, nothing worked, so I know at a very early age what I was up against. I was in denial for years. It became even more evident when I went to my uro and after doing the doppler test that I had a rare case , basially the right side of the penis the veins i.e never developed, the left side was fine so no amount of trimex injections or pills would solve that. I never had the plubming.

Today is day 5 , very very sore, worse then the surgery it self. I think that since things are beginning to heal thats probably what is causing more discomfort.

Tankerman, have you had the uro do a doppler test on you?

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby cris274 » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:03 pm

Dave92014 wrote:Cris,
Congrats, you are on the road to success.

There are at least a couple of guys who are younger than you, in their early 20's who have posted here. One is a guy from Minnesota who has a video blog. You can find him by clicking on "Discussion Forums" and then scrolling down the the "Members" topic. I think you will find his experience interesting. There is also a guy "Irishguy" that is younger than you and you might look for some of his posts.


Thanks! I just gave the guy from Minnesota a PM, his vlog's were very inspiring. I will also search more.

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby fnrldir07 » Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:57 pm

Cris274 you can message me if you want. I am 28 years old and was implanted June 28, 2013 and other than some pain and having a couple problems with the small penis right now i was about 8 inches before surgery now a lot smaller but still healing. I am glad i did it right now. Like I said you can PM me if you want i am a younger member suffering since I was younger.

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby cris274 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:02 am

Quick update guys,

I had my 4 week post op visit to the doc and he feels that I still need more time before I can fully activate it and use it. I was able to get few pumps on my own but it hurt a lot . So he wants me to come back in 6 weeks and has completely deflated me. Which means for me it going to be 10 weeks before I can activate it.

Pain is getting better everyday, I am at a point where I do not need any pain pills . I have even started to workout(upperbody only ).

Did any one else here have to wait this long?

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby rschweiger » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:30 pm

Hi chris,
Seems like ur headed in the right direction at least.
I was implanted just over a year ago (8/7/12) at the age of 41 after suffering since I was 37. I had a lot of pain for what seemed like forever,I also was about 10wks out before I activated. Every body is different as lon as you keep improving your ahead of the game. And don't worry once you activate and start using it the 10wks will be a distant memory. Its funny how so many of us suffer for years w/ED knocking the shit out of us, but yet we are so impatient and in a rush to use our new miracle.
It will all be worth it in the long run my friend,take care of urself'll have your whole life to try to wear out your new
Best wishes,Rich.

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby fnrldir07 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:24 pm

I am almost 8 weeks post op and doc ok'd me to use it at 4 weeks and i am telling you at 8 weeks it is painful to have sex and hard to penetrate my partner with a floppy head since my doc wasn't able to get the cylinders all the way to the head.

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Re: Young guy and his implant

Postby proactive » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:35 am

FMR you really need to get a second opinion. If you have not already been to one of the high volume guys, you need to go see one of them. if you were 8 inches your implant should have had 25 cm or more. I was 6 inches prior to surgery and had 21cm put in me. I had a Titan put in. I was only 3 inches when I came out of surgery, but the swelling has softened and gone down and I am just a hair short of 5 inches right now with no swelling in the head yet. I feel like my progress is 6 weeks behind those who heal quickly. Contact Dr. Kramer and go see him for a second opinion if you are within 500 miles of him. He could at least let you know what he thinks you should do. Other great doctors out there as well, but I only have first hand experience with Dr. K.
50 yr old. 21cm Titan implanted on June 20th 2013

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