PSSDorAmINormal wrote:Lost Sheep wrote:Psychiatrists use it all the time. It is part of their clinical vocabulary. And psychiatrists (at least in this country) are all medical doctors. Some doctors may not care about such nebulous things as patient "feelings", but those who take a holistic approach (another word that has different meanings for different people) and care about their patients' FULL welfare do.
I have a question for you, though. How do you use the word?
I guess it is not really part of my daily vocabulary, so I don't really see the word except when I'm logged onto FrankTalk. It is here that I see men use the word. Since we're all men and basically talking about same thing, I keep thinking it is a missing piece of my sexual health.
Not at all missing, PSSDorAmINormal. Libido is a fairly subjective term in that it is in the mind and every individual's mind is subject to one's own referential background. In other words, "libido" is hard to pin down.