You've waited this long, don't make a choice based on the calendar, make the choice based on the best outcome for you and your penis. This is not a surgery you choose to have done by a surgeon based on price, timing or convenience. Sometimes your first choice can offer you all of those things just perfectly, sometimes you'll only got one or two and you'll have to adjust.
Personally, I could have had my implant done by Kaiser for a $200 copay. I met with that Kaiser urologist that practices less than 2 miles from my home. I could have had the surgery and recovered in my own bed with my wife's delicious cooking. After meeting with him, I knew he wasn't the one I wanted to rehabilitate my penis.
Instead, I paid over 100x that out of my own pocket, flew 2000 miles away to Dr. Clavell, took a week off of work, paid for hotels and meals and COULDN'T BE HAPPIER with the outcome. I can't even remember feeling inconvenienced, and how much are you willing/able to pay for the best outcome possible? Make sure you have the right perspective, your penis is worth it.
2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant, skipped the injections. 12 mos. later: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4"