Jage64 wrote:"Dr. Clavell keeps you erect at 60% before cycling but Dr. Eid says he would leave me completely deflated to allow proper capsule formation around the reservoir."
Does Dr. Eid have some magic that allows the capsule to form around the full reservoir but no capsule to form around the deflated implant?
I don't think I've ever read of someone that had capsule issues on FrankTalk. Whether you cycle at 3 days or cycle at 5 weeks, seems to make no difference in that span of time. One way you have roughly 0 penis and 100% reservoir inflation, and the other you have roughly 60 penis/40% reservoir inflation if capsule formation is a concern.
The way Dr. Eid explained his protocol to me is at surgery you keep reservoir 100% full and penis 100% deflated. Then on day 3 you start cycling 2 or 3 times a day with hot tub bath. Outside of daily cycling regimen you keep your penis deflated. His explanation was this will allow proper capsule formation around a full reservoir. I presume daily cycling also keeps the penis capsule stretched (I forgot to ask him about this). What I find incredulous though is how can anyone start cycling on day 3 with all the pain and swelling. Sounds kind of crazy to me. I don't know whether I buy what he is saying.
The part of his protocol I like is doing the spinal anesthesia as opposed to just general anesthesia. From personal experience I can tell for my pudendal nerve pain I got a CT guided pudendal nerve block and right after the procedure my penis had stretched out to almost it's maximum length in the flaccid state. I don't know if Dr. Clavell's general anesthesia combined with Exparel local anesthesia does the same thing or not.