indusvalley wrote:
You look like someone who has a good dick and I think Coloplast would work well for you. I checked and my pump is Touch. Easy to inflate and deflate. Honestly, I think you're probably overthinking but I love your research. The best answer to this question would be to email Dr. Hakky and ask him directly. He would likely respond back to you in 24 hours.
I just had an appointment with Hakky and honestly, it went great. They did a sonogram and found the leakage in the tube connecting to the reservoir. He said the issue is not the implant or pump but the tubing. He said it looked like a slow leak. This means that the tubing connected to the reservoir somehow caused the problem. The good news is that my Coloplast is under warranty. He said since everything looked good - the implant, pump, and reservoir - just the tubing gave the issue, he would likely replace the whole thing again and keep the same model.
I had a virtual and an in person consult with him and he assured me that I should be fine with the Titan. I'm especially concerned if the front tips will be properly seated in the middle of my glans and he assured me that would be the case. My glans is just a tad bit above 1 inches side to side. Would appreciate if you could please share yours.
One thing he did mention that I may or may not have dog ears. Do you have any dog ears?